How Important is Winning, Really?
Imagine this: You’ve had a very stressful week at work. You’re an amateur boxer, and you’ve had no time to prepare for this year’s big memorial event. It’s a special occasion held in honor of a late boxing legend from your town, bringing together retired boxers and serious amateurs from across the country and beyond. Although it’s not a professional-level event, it’s highly regarded in your community, attracting many important people.
Focusing for the easily distracted
When was the last time you checked your email or phone? Even if it wasn’t urgent.
For most of us, this has become an almost automatic habit, although I don’t wish to generalize. Some people excel at focusing, while others actively work on improving their concentration.
Recently, I discovered a fantastic tool that’s a game changer for anyone willing to train their focus. It came in handy just as my desk work was increasing, and I found it harder to maintain concentration. It’s a common issue
The Best Mental Hack I’ve Learned in Years
It was a casual chat after training when my kickboxing mentor shared something that stuck with me. I had been complaining about aches, pains, and bruises when he told me a story from a recent world kickboxing championship. After the competition, the top four fighters were interviewed, along with
Why you have to take risks?
Have you ever tried bungee-jumping? Or wished you had the courage to try something extreme, like skydiving? Risk taking and adventure seeking is probably more important than we think. However, as a Swiss resident I see a lot of extreme sports go wrong every year. And recent human tragedies in the Swiss and Austrian mountains […]
Operation Mindset
Stay tuned for the upcoming series of interviews ”Ordinary Icons” with extraordinary individuals from all walks of life; In this exciting interview, you will glimpse some of the mental game strategies heart surgeons and top athletes share when it comes to being at the top of their game. And how we can use them in […]
Mental Preparation Strategies for Athletes
You can learn several mental preparation strategies that can be applied to pre-competition routines. However, you must always remember the overall aim of your mental preparation and the pregame mindset you are trying to establish. Overall, your goal is to achieve a focused, confident and trusting mindset prior to competition. Below are the six major […]
Tom Brady’s Mental Toughness
How do you feel when your coach runs a long, strenuous practice? When your coach has you run 20-30 minutes of sprints after you just trained for two hours. Many athletes have practices they dread because those sessions are physically and mentally draining. You have been in a situation where your coach presents you […]
Focus Makes all the Difference
Focus – The Thing in our Performance That Makes all the Difference I personally have been struggling with focus my whole life. Ever since I was a kid my teachers would say ”focus Nika, do not stray from today’s lesson” because my mind was always wandering to a new more interesting place. During a math […]
How to Be 1% Better Each Day
“Compounding is the greatest mathematical discovery of all time.” — Albert Einstein The quest to become a better version of yourself often feels like a roller coaster ride. It’s hard. And it’s usually so uneven. You can end in failure. But life is a journey, not a marathon, so you always have another opportunity to […]
What is Sports Psychology?
In sports and other professions today achieving peak performance involves more than reaching peak physical fitness or performing a task at optimum level of mental abilities. Potential isn’t realized by chance, and we know that natural talent is only part of the equation.This is where sports psychology, peak performance and/or mental game coaching come into […]